Our Mission

Building Better Boards

The Board Class and Board Class Plus were created by Catherine Raso as a tool to help boards become more mission focused and future oriented. An effective board should use their time efficiently and operate with a full set of good governance policies. Our mission is to equip you to govern transparently, delegate clearly and understand the work that you need to do.

Catherine M. Raso

Founder & Instructor

Catherine Raso MBA is the founder of The Board Class Series and is an internationally recognized practitioner, consultant, author and speaker on board governance. Catherine has more than 30 years of experience in the non-profit sector—as a CEO, board member, highly skilled facilitator consulting with more than 600 boards around the world and author of many articles and books. Catherine always receives very high ratings for informative, excellent and engaging presentations and board sessions. Catherine lives and bases her practice near Toronto, Canada.
Catherine Raso

Is Your Board Unique?

If your board faces unique challenges, or you believe that you would benefit from personalized feedback, you may be a good fit for customized consulting.