New Director Orientation
Course 1
This course is a comprehensive class in governance best practices which covers all areas of how boards work. This is designed for anyone joining a board and to help experienced board members and CEOs to get new governance ideas that can be used right away. You will learn why boards exist, what must happen in board meetings, the roles on boards, how boards should evaluate CEO performance, what strategic planning and risk management is, and how to do board self-evaluation.
What to expect from the course modules
Course Materials
Module 1 - First Principles: A Board's Governance Philosophy
Module 2 - Ownership, Representation and Board Education
Module 3 - Board-Management Distinction: Who Does What?
Module 4 - Roles on the Board: Chair, Secretary, Committees and Board Size
Module 5 - Strategic Planning, Generative Governance and Results
Module 6 - Risk Management Made Easy
Module 7 - CEO Performance Evaluation and Monitoring
Module 8 - Board Process, Board Self-Evaluation and Board Documents